Preventative Care

No one particularly enjoys having dental treatment so we try to prevent problems occurring in order to try to limit the need for treatment. This makes for happier patients and of course, reduces costs. We are able to spend time on preventative advice and treatment to try to reduce the amount of dental treatment needed in the long term. Here are some of the ways we try to achieve these standards:

  • We spend time listening and talking to our patients
  • We arrange regular and detailed oral health assessments
  • We ensure regular visits to our hygiene staff who will carry out thorough hygiene maintenance of both your teeth and gums
  • We now provide EMS Guided Biofilm treatment that targets and removes harmful biofilm, the leading cause of many oral health issues. This innovative therapy utilises advanced technology to provide a thorough and gentle cleaning experience, leaving your teeth and gums refreshed and revitalised.
  • We reduce the risk of both tooth decay and gum disease
  • We apply fissure sealants to children’s teeth where necessary, to help prevent decay before it starts
  • We use the same techniques extensively in our adult patients’ teeth too, to limit the number of full repairs required
  • We use minimally invasive dentistry, easily carried out without the need for injections!
  • We offer Ozone treatment to kill bacteria in teeth to stop decay spreading
  • We perform Oral cancer checks at every Oral Health Assessment visit
  • We talk to parents about good dietary habits to limit treatment for their children
  • We will also give you written advice sheets to take away for home use
  • We take time to explain why prevention of gum problems are so important
  • We give oral hygiene instruction to both children and adults
  • Our dentists spend time on each procedure and appointment and aim to provide the highest quality of treatment
  • We use only top quality materials so that our repairs should last. This means less treatment in the future
  • We give advice on prevention techniques for home and supply the necessary products
